Hello Research

A simple Hello can lead to a million things

It all starts with ‘Hello’. Have you ever noticed how every conversation starts with Hello, whether it’s in person, on the phone or via email… Hello, or some form of Hello is generally the first word spoken and we’d love to say ‘Hello’ to you.


It’s got everyone talking (...tick)

It’s tear jerking, heart-felt and meaningful (...tick)

It’s going to make me shop in their store (...um?)

Leading retailers have again spent millions on their TV ads, all trying to entice us to shop in their stores this Christmas. Personally I’m not too convinced a great Christmas ad will make me change my shopping habits… but who knows.

For me to change my shopping behaviour it will take more than a great Christmas ad campaign. It’s simple really, just show me super great deals and offers and I’m all yours!

John Lewis reported a 6.9% increase in their sales with last years Christmas ad… remember the Bear and the Hare? Definitely an impressive growth stat and could well be repeated again this year with Monty the penguin. However much I really like Monty (and I do) I’m just not racing to the nearest John Lewis or even going online to their site.

The ad this year that seems to have most people talking is Sainsbury’s, who in partnership with the Royal British Legion re-created a fictionalised version of the scene from WW1, the Christmas truce that took place 100 years ago.  Surprisingly this ad has been criticised by some, although for me, the best thing this ad has done isn’t the monetary donation from the chocolate bars, but the way in which it delivers a certain intrigue and appeal to the younger generation. An audience that perhaps don’t fully understand or know much about WW1 but is vital in ensuring we always remember and keep the commemorations alive.